Gratitude Challenge Until Thanksgiving


Are you up for a gratitude challenge until Thanksgiving?

Every morning I pull out a notebook and make a list when I wake up that starts with “I am grateful for” and I write down everything I can think of that I’m grateful for that morning.  I keep the notebook in a drawer next to my bed.

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to start our day out with gratitude.  We have a choice each and every day to decide to be positive or negative and this is a great way to get the positive things flowing out of us and back to us.

I’ve been doing this for almost a year now and when I first started, I immediately noticed a lot of positive things flowing my way from being in that space.  Like attracts like.  If you have positive thoughts and think positive things, more will come, it’s just the way it works.

I took a break for a bit and noticed the negativity creeping back in, so I got the notebook back out and now I’m hooked.

Did you know that it is impossible for your brain to be grateful and triggered at the same time?

So, the next time you are upset about something, frustrated or anxious, try shifting your attention to things you are grateful for and see what happens to your mood.  You might be surprised how you feel afterwards.

Would you be willing to keep a gratefulness journal from now until Thanksgiving?  And then on Thanksgiving Day, you could make an even longer list of all the things you are thankful for and then decide if you want to keep it going after the holiday.

A lot of times I repeat things on my list, but I’m sure we could get creative and make them original every single day if we really wanted to!  Even if you think you have nothing to be grateful for, I promise, you do!  It could be as simple as having a bed to sleep in, food to eat, a computer to be reading this on and vision to be able to read.  With the cold weather here, I think about the fact that there are so many people in the world that don’t even have heat and I cannot fathom what that would be like to have to sleep in those conditions, which makes it easy for me to be grateful for a warm house and bed, if anything.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and may you find many things to be grateful for along the way.

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