We can choose to use accountability for a number of things – work out goals, saving money, reaching our sales numbers, you name it.
And, making the decision to actually take advantage of the gift of accountability is the first step. But, most of the time, I’m afraid most people don’t look at accountability as a gift. It can unfortunately be looked upon as another to do item, a burden, a way for us to feel bad about ourselves or “get in trouble” if we don’t do what we say we are going to do.
What are the go to tapes that run through your mind when you don’t reach your goal or do what you say you’re going to do? Does it keep you telling yourself that “I’m never going to be able to do this” or “I’m bad at this” or “I’m a loser” or “I’m a failure” or “I’m not dependable” or Or OR…
STOP! That doesn’t serve you in any way whatsoever!!!
Why is accountability so important? For starters, the most important part of accountability is our mindset around it. If we go in thinking it’s a chore or feel embarrassed or ashamed if we don’t do everything perfectly, we are setting ourselves up to fail.
If we choose to look at accountability as love and support and that our partners are on our team and wanting us to win, it can drastically change things. Then, when goals aren’t met we can take them as debrief moments to simply look at what’s working, what’s not and what we need to do differently to make them happen. Finally, as a result, the real magic happens…we meet our goals and feel terrific about ourselves and live life to the fullest!
Coaches need coaches too and I’ve been thoroughly enjoying having one of my coaches on my team, Janna Stock, as my accountability partner the past few months. It is helping me get through the items on my to do list that I want more than anything right now to procrastinate. Even if it means picking a time to work on a specific task and setting an alarm and putting all else aside to focus on that item. And, most importantly, making sure self care stays on top of the list too!
It’s been incredible to be able to text Janna and say this is what I’m doing and when I’m doing it and I don’t feel like it so I’m telling you and I know I will get it done that way. Typically, that’s not my go to moves. Normally, I’m a say I’m going to do something and do it person. But, I’ll be honest, I’ve needed more to boost my motivation lately. Having a loving and supportive person on my team having my back has been the best solution!
Thank you Georgia Hospital Association and Texas Association of Appraisal Districts for letting me talk accountability, mindfulness and self care with your folks lately. It was also an honor to be a part of the Cosmo Prof World of Texture Virtual Education Summit. The beauty is seeing that it doesn’t matter what you do for a living, we all need to lower stress by caring for ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. And, holding one another accountable is crucial in making that happen. Especially, with all we’ve had coming our way the past year. The little things may be more challenging to accomplish than usual, but, not when we feel supported by another rooting for us and reminding us that we are not alone.
We’d love to be here to support and love you through your lives in any way we can. Let us know if we can help!
Tessa Todd Morgan