“The Agile SSAO: Adaptively Serving Our Students in Challenging Times”
The ACCU Senior Student Affairs Officers Conference offers a networking space for professionals at Catholic colleges and universities, where colleagues share ideas, resources, and best practices related to the urgent challenges SSAOs are facing. The 2020 conference will also offer an opportunity to refresh and recharge to be able to focus on the mission in our daily work. Join us for discussions on mindfulness for leaders, a mission-centered lens of leadership and leading in challenging times, and the work of student affairs professionals in the future.
Mindfulness for Adaptive Leaders
Because we are servant leaders pulled in many directions, it’s easy for our own self-care to fall to the bottom of our “to do” lists. But our students and staff watch us and often emulate our behaviors. This session is meant to provide SSAOs with the quiet and safe space to reflect on our self-care behaviors and recommit to our own well-being. Leaders know it can be lonely at the top, but we can’t serve others if we don’t take care of ourselves.
Tessa Todd Morgan, founder and CEO of TRIESSENCE, mindfulness expert, personal growth coach, and accredited trainer in Emotional Intelligence is honored to be a part of such a wonderful event to help bring self-care to those who need it most.