Hope you’re having a great Summer so far! Whether you’ve been able to go on a vacation, are looking forward to one soon or not going to be able to get away this season, I wanted to give you a quick Vagus Vacation! Not to be confused with Vegas Vacation, that’s a whole different kind of party!
You may already know the vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve that connects to the lungs, heart and gut. The coolest thing about this nerve is it’s part of the parasympathetic nervous system (yay for rest and digest/rest and restore!) and there are ways we can get calm in parasympathetic mode vs. being in fight or flight or sympathetic mode. While sympathetic mode can be useful when facing real danger, unfortunately, we go into fight or flight mode much more than we need to and get that extra unnecessary extra jolt of cortisol.
Here are 7 simple ways you can take a mini vacation to feed your mind, body and spirit…AKA your TRIESSENCE.
- Exhale longer than your inhale
- Hum, sing or gargle
- Take a cold shower
- Exercise
- Laugh
- Massage behind the middle of your ears and the spots under sides of chin where you feel your heartbeat
- Massage your ears from top to bottom and gently pull on your earlobes
Let me know how you liked your little mini vaca. Or, any of your other getaways. Smiles and sunset photos welcome 🙂 This is me doing mini vaca #7 in my hotel room in North Carolina as I prepare to get to speak to a group of CEO’s.
If I can help you or your team grow your TRIESSENCE, please let us know. Whether it’s bringing me to speak in person worldwide, virtually or coming to see us at our new RETREAT CENTER in Texas, we’d love it! You can use our CONTACT PAGE to get in touch.
Take extra good care of you,
– Tessa Todd Morgan
P.S. it’s been a while since I’ve done a shoutout to thank the teams who have trusted me with their groups lately and it was an honor to spend time with each and every one of them. Thank you for caring for your people and wanting to lower stress and anxiety and help prevent burnout. It is an honor to be a stress relief speaker and would like to thank you all for encouraging self care – EAB Global, Inc., Splunk, Crop Growers – Farm Credit East, Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice, Sunshine Health, Bell County WIC, Capital One Services, LLC, Sam’s Club, U.S. Probation & Pretrial Services, Douglas County Libraries, UBS, Palm Beach County SHRM, Radial